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发布时间:2023-05-11 18:06:21




The beautiful Luoyang is a metropolis with a long history and charming scenery. It is located in the west of Henan Province, known as Henan Province in ancient times, because it is located in the Luohe River Yang named, is a famous historical and cultural city in China. More than three thousand years of civilization. The rise of the city has a history of more than 4000 years. Since the 20th century ., 13 dynasties have established their capitals here. Since ancient times, there have been many "Poets", so they have the reputation of "poetry capital" and "flower capital".  

There are numerous places of interest in Luoyang, of which the Longmen Grottoes are the most famous. It is listed as the world cultural heritage, the ancient name of "Yique". The mountains and rivers here are magnificent, beautiful scenery, Grottoes densely spread on the cliffs on both banks of the Yihe River, more than one kilometer long. He and Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Datong Yungang Grottoes, collectively known as China's three Grottoes art treasure house. People from all over the world come here for sightseeing, attracting tourists. Next is Baima temple, it was founded in the Eastern Han Dynasty Yongping eleven years (AD 68).  

Luoyang Baima Temple is the first ancient temple in China and the world famous Galan. It is the first official Temple after Buddhism was introduced into China. It has been praised as "Shiyuan" and "Zuting" by Buddhist circles at home and abroad. By the National Tourism Administration rated as 4A scenic spots.  

Luoyang peony is the best in the world, and peony is an essential part of Luoyang. Peony is a famous traditional flower in China. Enjoying flowers is an ancient custom of the people of Luoyang. Since ancient times, Luoyang peony has been famous for its variety and color.  

"Peony is the best fragrance in the world." Peony is the king of flowers, graceful and gorgeous, colorful and fragrant, and crowns and flowers. Since the Tang Dynasty, the peony is the most prosperous, Luoyang, Ouyang Xiu praised "Luoyang vein flowers most appropriate, peony is particularly unique in the world." Luoyang peony has many good reputation as "king of flowers" and "Wan Hua Yi Pin".  

The ancient capital of Luoyang is shining the power of youth. The roads are more spacious, the buildings rise from the ground, the pearls of the Central Plains, the lakes of the Luohe River, the green lawns, and the old Buddha of Lushena are smiling at the changes of the ancient capital. At night, the colorful neon lights are blooming in the sky like the fireworks of the festival. Elegant environment and beautiful landscape, ancient capital Luoyang is becoming a modern metropolis.  








Luoyang is my hometown. I have lived in Luoyang for more than ten years, and it impressed me most. Especially in recent years, Luoyang is more beautiful and rich.  

The most beautiful thing in Luoyang is peony flowers. Luoyang Paeonia suffruticosa has a wide variety of flowers and flowers. When the peony is fragrant, the peony blooming in the city is like a beautiful angel. It makes people linger, like a drunk. The tourists were stopping to watch and applauded. "Ah, peony, flowers are the brightest." "Ah, peony, the most spectacular among all the fragrant countries!" Accompanied by Jiang Dawei's affectionate Ode to the peony, I sincerely admire the incarnation of beauty, the messenger of flowers.  

Peony not only poured its countless tourists with its charming beauty. And as a messenger of flowers, it has brought us countless opportunities for development in Luoyang. Since 1983, Luoyang has successfully hosted the 27th Peony Flower Fair. The success of the Peony Flower Fair has injected infinite vitality into the overall economic and social development and take-off of Luoyang.  

Especially this year, the Peony Fair and the World Philatelic Exhibition jointly held in Luoyang, adding to the splendor of Luoyang. Let us Luoyang flower as the media, take the post exhibition as an opportunity to go to the world, and show our Luoyang style. As a Luoyang people, I feel extremely proud. Pride and excitement. I look forward to the early completion of my studies and offer a reward for repaying my hometown. By that time, I believe our hometown will be more fascinating.  

In addition to the beautiful peony, Luoyang has its rich and unique cultural connotations. So far, light has found five ancient city ruins on the land of Luoyang. Thousands of years ago, these sites were rich and prosperous. Imagine how our forefathers created this ancient and magical land thousands of years ago.  

The Longmen Grottoes, now declared as a world cultural heritage, symbolizes the glory of Buddhist art and sculpture in China. According to records, the Longmen Grottoes were excavated in the eighteenth year of Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and lasted until the Tang Dynasty. It lasted more than 400 years. The existing statues were well-knifed and very vivid.  

Especially the grand Buddha of Lushena in Fengxian Temple, its graceful and elegant posture, its soul-stirring wisdom and eye-catching beauty, and its smiling and beautiful lips, are really a great collection of beauty. It condenses the cultural spirit of our nation. This makes me feel the wisdom and talent of our forefathers.  

The White Horse Temple, located in the eastern suburbs of Luoyang, is also a place of pride that the Luoyang people are proud of. According to historical records, in the eighth year of Yongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Ming Emperor sent his envoys to Tianzhu to seek Buddhist scriptures. He got 42 chapters of the scriptures and some Buddhist statues and carried them back with white horses. So the temple was built to commemorate the crude stone white horse at the entrance of the White Horse Temple, which is the symbol of the cultural envoy.  

In addition, there are more cultural and historical sites in Luoyang, Guan Lin. White garden. Zhou Gong temple... There are amazing landscapes everywhere.  

The beauty of Luoyang is not only in appearance, but also in connotation. Luoyang is a great gift and precipitation of history. These cultural heritages can represent the splendid spiritual wealth of our Chinese nation.  

I love Luoyang, not only love her glorious history, but also love her prosperity and civilization today.  














My hometown is Luoyang, Henan Province. It is located in the north of Henan Province and the South Bank of the Yellow River. It is a famous historical and cultural city and the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties. The Heluo area centered on Luoyang is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization.  

When it comes to Luoyang, there will be many poems in mind, such as "the world famous park is Luoyang". This is our city flower peony. Luoyang's peony blossoms have a huge bud, brilliant color and fragrant national color. From ancient times, they imply wealth, auspiciousness and prosperity. Luoyang holds a Peony Blossom party every year to show colorful peony flowers to friends from all over the world. At that time, it was really "crowded in the world" and dared not to be distracted.  

Luoyang is the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties. It has a profound cultural background. There are famous Longmen Grottoes, Baima Temple, Guanlin Temple and other historical sites. But what I like most is Longmen Grottoes. Longmen Grottoes belong to the world cultural heritage. It was excavated before and after Emperor Xiaowen moved to Luoyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and then went through the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Qi Dynasty, Sui and Tang Dynasties to Song Dynasties and other dynasties. It has been built on a large scale for more than 400 years. There are more than one hundred thousand statues of Buddha. The largest Buddha is meters long and the smallest is only two centimeters. But no matter big or small, they are carved vividly, reflecting the extremely high artistic attainments of the ancient working people.  

Among the many Buddhist holes in Longmen Grottoes, my favorite is Wan Fu cave. There are 15,000 Buddhas in neat rows on both sides of the north and south. Although each Buddha is only four centimeters long, the carving is still very delicate. We should not be fascinated by these little Buddhas but overlook the most spectacular place in Longmen, Fengxian Temple. Anyone who has been to Longmen will be shocked by the magnificence of the Buddha. The statue of Dalushena is the most magnificent stone statue in Longmen Grottoes. It stands meters high and has ears meters long. It sits peacefully on the astringent lotus seat with an octagonal girdle. The magnificent and elegant, graceful and noble momentum pushes the art of the Tang Dynasty to the extreme. Our descendants will be proud and puzzled by his miracles from generation to generation.  

Over the years, with the rapid development of the motherland, Luoyang has undergone earth-shaking changes - five years ago the Luohe River is the city's people a great pain: the river is dirty, stinky, never see the traces of fish and shrimp. The banks of the river banks are covered by barren grass, and rubbish is stacked up like hills. People do not want to go there for sightseeing or for a walk. But now, after the treatment, the old river Luohe dirty water now become clear to the bottom, the disappearance of fish and shrimp swim happily again. In summer, it has become a good place for people to fish.  

And the river embankment is dressed like a fairyland by people: simple and elegant pavilions, scattered with delicate bamboo forest, people like into Suzhou gardens, and the inside of the flowers, small trees give people a sense of nature. All kinds of flowers vie for each other. In the open small square, many old people dance Tai Chi and do radio exercises carefully with music; children play on grass-covered slopes; and some middle-aged people lead their children, lead their puppies and play while running...  

Luoyang is indeed a sacred place of Chinese civilization. I love my hometown Luoyang.  









My hometown is in Luoyang. Luoyang is famous for eight landscapes, namely, Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang Peony and so on.  

Longmen Grottoes is one of the four ancient Grottoes in China. It is also a world-famous cultural heritage. The Longmen Mountains are beautiful with beautiful scenery. There are two mountains in the East and West - the East and the West. The middle of the mountain is separated by the clear Yihe River, but it is connected by the great bridge across the banks of the Yihe River. The willows on both sides of the Yihe River, though not tall and erect, are flourishing, like soldiers in green military uniforms firmly guarding the banks of the Yihe River. It's not good to visit Longmen without looking at grottoes.  

The Longmen Grottoes are entirely humanistic and artistic grottoes, up to 20 meters in size, but only 23 centimeters in height. The biggest Lushena Buddha is over four meters tall in one head. It may not be enough for me to touch the top of the head with two hands and one hand. There are numerous Buddha statues in the cave. On the stone walls and on the top of the cave, there are Buddha statues about two centimeters in height everywhere. Seeing here, I can not help but admire the wisdom of ancient people and carving technology and have to applaud.  

When I mentioned Luoyang, I had to talk about the national flower peony. "only peony is a real national color. When flowers bloom, it will move the capital." Every April, Luoyang City is the ocean of peony flowers, and the annual "China's Luoyang Peony Culture Festival" is also held in the fragrance of flowers. Thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists come to appreciate the peony in Luoyang. The colors of Luoyang peony are different. The flowers are big, red, yellow, white, pink, green and black. Red like fire, yellow like gold, pink like clouds, white like jade, green as Cui, black as ink...  

A gust of spring breeze blowing, bursts of fragrant flowers, attracted many industrious bees to gather honey, but also make people relaxed and happy, forget all the trouble. Even more amazing "two Qiao", a flower of two colors, proudly in anger among the flowers, very stingy to show its beauty to people. All the people standing in the scenic peony garden, enjoying the beautiful scenery, smelling the fragrance of flowers, will be slowly intoxicated.  

I am proud and proud of being a Luoyang person. No matter where I am, the mountains, water, flowers and her beauty of Luoyang will always be reflected in my mind.  






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