

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:找学校科技有限公司AVZOFS » 培训课程 » 职业技能 » 维修维护 » 汽车维修 » 终于明白健身器材英语



授课学校: 找学校科技有限公司AVZOFS

开班时间: 滚动开班

课程价格: 0.00

招生人数: 不限

课程对象: 不限

优惠价格: 请在线咨询

课程介绍 2023-05-19 11:43
  情景会话   A: Good afternoon, madam. How can help you?   B: Well, I'm thinking about you tell me what facilities you have here?   A: Certainly, gym is well-equipped with walking machines,arm curl, leg press, shoulder press,chest press, rowing machines, exercise bicycle and weights, etc.   B: That sounds terrific! By the way, whatis the business hour of the gym?   A: It is open from six am to twelve midnight. You have enough time to take exercise.   B: That's great. Is there an additional surcharge for the gym?   A: No,the gym is free to our hotel guests.   A:女士,下午好。有什么可以为您效劳的吗?   B:嗯,我想锻炼一下身体。能告诉我你们都有些什么健身器材吗?   A:当然可以,女士。我们健身中心配备了各种健身器材:像跑步机、二头肌推举器、腿推举器、肩推举器、胸部推举器、划船机、单车和举重器,等等。   B:太棒了!顺便问一下,健身房的营业时间是什么时候?   A:从早上6点到晚上12点。您有充足的时间做运动。   B:好。健身房要额外收费吗?   A:不用,住店客人是免费的。

    场景表述   Could you tell me what facilities you have here?   能告诉我你们都有些什么健身器材吗?   对方还可能这样说:   O Do you offer trainer services along with the gym?你们健身房提供私人教练吗?   Our gym is well-equipped with...   我们健身房配备了……   还可以这样说:   O Our gym has all the latest exercise equipment, including Stair-Masters and exercisebikes.我们健身房拥有所有新款的运动器材,包括阶梯运动器材和动感单车。   O Our gym is well一equipped with the latestrecreational sports apparatus.我们健身房有比较先进的运动设施。   O We offer yoga, Pilates, martial arts, and Tai Chiclasses.我们有瑜伽、普拉提、武术和太极课程。

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